Who am I?
A lecturer & researcher
anthropologist and cultural studies
Call me Budi or I Made Budiasa
A lecturer at Universitas Hindu Negeri I Gusti Bagus Sugriwa Denpasar, email: budiasa@uhnsugriwa.ac.id / imadebudiasa@ihdn.ac.id / budi@imadebudiasa.com, or for more discussions and questions click to contact me
“Purity, perseverance and patience”
“Spirit, critical thinking, and intelligence are important but the ultimate goal is an excellent character-human excellence” (Budiasa)
I’m currently a lecturer for anthropology, research methodology, cultural studies, and cultural communication
“Real Freedom is enjoying whatever you do”. So let’s always explore and move according to our conscience and develop work with love and practice selfless service. Making all of our lives very spiritual and meaningful for humanity. Duty is God, Work is worship.